By: Sr. Zara Khan

What exactly does it mean to have a sense of personal fashion?

It means being your own person and expressing who you are rather than whom everyone else is. It’s YOUR style, not theirs. Fashion, in general, is a way to express yourself through what you wear. Perhaps, a pair of sunglasses can add to a plain outfit, maybe a necklace, or a colorful hijab.

There are many ways to wrap a hijab and, if you stick around, hopefully, I will give you tips on how to embrace who you are and where you stand in this magnificent world we live in by the work ethics of fashion. My first tip should be coming out soon.  

Here’s your weekly fashion tip: 

*A long dress in maroon with a black belt and gathered sleeves going all the way to your wrists 

*Black wrapped flats

*Optional:   A black hijab or a grey sun hat with a black stripe and white feathers

This look is very antique and “chic” if I may say. I really enjoy the beauty of this outfit because it’s very, in a sense…formal.
