Organization name: Islamic Society of New Tampa

Organization website:

Organizer name: Hameed Mohammed

Organizer email address:

Organizer phone : (408) 921-9667

Organization description: mission, vision, and activities : Daarus-Salaam is an institution dedicated to the betterment of Muslims and the society at large. We draw our strength and guidance from the Holy Qur`an and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, may the peace and blessings of Allah be bestowed upon him.

Event date: 10/31/2018

Event start time: 5:30:0 PM

Event end time: 8:30:0 PM

Event location: Outdoor

Will food be served?: Yes

Will the kitchen be used?: No

Expected number of attendees?: 500

Brief description of the event: The yearly BBQ we do to keep kids away from trick or treating on Halloween day.