Organization Website:

Organizer Name: Adel Eldin

Organizer Email Address:

Organizer Phone : (352) 232-1507

Organization Description: Mission, Vision, and Activities : Established in Florida and have been serving Tampa Bay area for the past 20 years in the Medical Field. There has been recent important good news for New Options in Healthcare now available in Florida after hard work for so many years with many law makers locally and in Tallahassee. ( Direct Contracting for healthcare) which will offer a choice other than Traditional Insurance model which is ground breaking!
Would like to educate our community about this new choice and many benefits to have Quality Affordable Healthcare, save thousands, give back to fight hunger by setting food bank in every Masjid for needy Muslims and Non Muslims, , promote the Sunnah of our Beloved Prophet Mohamed PBUH, Counter Islamophobia by building grass roots through offering affordable Healthcare, food, and promote Peace in the Community

Event Location: New Building

Number of Expected Attendees : 30

Note: light refreshments , cookies will be served